World Tamil University

I would like to welcome you to the exciting WORLD TAMIL UNIVERSITY.

Through our university we conduct various programs, which aims to help students who become both concerned citizens and employable graduate.We encourage our qualified faculties to educate students in the most important skills needed today in the global workforce.
We understand and learn new technologies and innovations which we connect people and culture across the world and down the street.
We spread worldwide to educate students and We offer specialized study in fields as diverse as foreign languages, literature, classics, studies of culture from all over the world.
Applied studies, applied linguistics, public and digital humanities, translation and interpretation and virtual education, Humanities, expertise in literatures, culture, religions, language multilingualism and foreign analysis are in high demand to focus our vision through our World.

We are the future we develop our Nation Stronger.

World Tamil University [USA]

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  • World Tamil University (USA)
  • Level-12 S Church Ave, Tucson, AZ 85701,
    United States of America.

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