World Tamil University



The Honorary Doctorate is an honorific title conferred by an exceptional procedure thus recognizing people who are serving the humanity is different areas of life. THIS IS NOT AN ACADEMIC DEGREE. This is in characteristics is Doctor Honors Causa which is common with the European universities.

The Doctor of Letters is designed to give formal public recognition for people who have rendered significant contributions to the society.

It is important to note that all D.Litt., convocations are presided by the Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor. Otherwise, they are invalid.


An honorary degree is entirely legitimate and the title conferred may be used like any other. The degree is awarded to those who have demonstrated a Honoris Causa, or cause to be honored. This program is offered only to a select group of accomplished individuals such as yourself. As a professional, a degree or additional degree will allow you to make a greater impact. The expedient way of showing the world your knowledge, abilities, experience and talents is with your degree and use of your titles. The degree is not recognized by employers as having the same stature as a corresponding earned degree and should not be represented as such. It is sometimes recommended that such degrees be listed in one’s CV as an award and not in their education section.


  1. Honorary Awards are awarded by the University for the purposes of:
    1. formally and publicly recognizing the exceptional or distinguished contribution of an individual to the University, the broader society or a field of academic endeavor;
    2. enhancing the standing and reputation of the University; and
    3. expanding or building on existing relationships.

  2. Honorary Awards are prestigious honors, intended to recognize substantial achievements or contributions by individuals.

  3. Honorary Awards are approved by Council following a rigorous selection process, using specified criteria and the application of due diligence processes (including risk assessment processes) designed to protect both the recipient and the University.

  4. To preserve their prestige, consistent with Values, an Honorary Award will only be made to persons of appropriate standing. There is therefore no expectation or requirement on Council as appropriate to make an award in any category in any year.

  5. To protect the integrity of the awards and the reputation of the University, Council may, at its sole discretion, revoke an Honorary Award if in its view a recipient’s continued association with the University would bring the University into disrepute.

  6. Nominations must at all stages be treated confidentially. A nominee must not be advised of or consulted about their nomination at any stage.


WORLD TAMIL UNIVERSITY gives the power to grant honorary degrees, and assigns to the University Senate the role of providing for the granting of honorary degrees, and to Convocation the authority to confer honorary degrees approved by the Senate. The bylaws of Senate provide for an Honorary Degrees Committee which has the task of encouraging and recommending nominees for honorary degrees, and submitting names to the Senate for consideration for honorary degrees. The bylaws provide that degrees honoris causa may be conferred at any Convocation provided that the names of such persons shall have been considered and approved by the Honorary Degrees Committee, and shall have been recommended by the Senate.

REVOKING (Common for Honorary Doctorate & Award)

The Bylaws of Senate provide that “the Senate may revoke an honorary degree and all the rights and privileges connected therewith.” The Senate would consider revoking the degree on the recommendation of the Honorary Degrees Committee, by means of a vote.


Of Honorary

An honorary degree or a degree honoris causa (Latin: “for the sake of the honor”) is an academic degree for which a university (or other degree-awarding institution) has waived the usual requirements, such as matriculation, residence, study and the passing of examinations. The degree is typically a doctorate or, less commonly, a master’s and bachelor’s degree, and may be awarded to someone who has no prior connection with the academic institution. The degree is often conferred as a way of honoring a distinguished visitor’s contributions to a specific field or to society in general.

An honorary degree is entirely legitimate and the title conferred may be used like any other. The degree is awarded to those who have demonstrated a Honoris Causa, or cause to be honored. This program is offered only to a select group of accomplished individuals such as yourself. As a professional, a degree or additional degree will allow you to make a greater impact. The expedient way of showing the world your knowledge, abilities, experience and talents is with your degree and use of your titles. The degree is not recognized by employers as having the same stature as a corresponding earned degree and should not be represented as such. It is sometimes recommended that such degrees be listed in one’s CV as an award and not in their education section.

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